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    CEP Gear Down paste is a pre race paste that will help your horse to control his behaviour during competition. With all natural ingredients it will help your horse calm down, reduce anxiety.

  • CEP GEAR DOWN 24/7


    Gear Down 24/7 is a pelleted supplement is formulated to balance the behavior during daily performance. It helps in assisting the horse through stressful times of training, competition, hauling, and other activities. Gear down 24/7 is a pellet that is provided each day to assist in taking off the nervous edge without taking away your equine athlete’s competitive edge or ability to compete at a top level.



    CEP Stress-Check: A pre performance paste that helps balance the horse’s gastric system and relieve performance stress. 

    CEP Stress Check has the same properties of CEP Gut Check but is made into a thicker form for in times of stress/hauling or for a more anxious horse that may need extra assistance due to producing more stomach acid from stress/hauling/ competition.
    Best to give 3-5 hours out of competition or hauling.
    8 doses per tube
    10cc = 1 dose

    Glyceryl Wheat Bran, Wheat Protein, Apple Flavor, Flaxseed Oil,  Glycerin, Benzoic Acid

    Recommended Dosage:
    Give 10cc 3-5 hours before competition or hauling

    Store product in an area safe from falling, rolling, or being thrown around it in motion. Avoid storing paste in extreme heat or freezing temperatures. Make sure the cap is completely and properly sealed on the tube for storage and the paste is stored in an upright position. CEP is not responsible for spoiled product if proper use and proper storage are not utilized by the customer.